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Ashley Burbano - 12th grade 
$1,000 College Scholarship Winner

Ashley Burbano has taken the most rigorous courses Farmingdale has to offer and excelled. There is no doubt that Ashely will be successful due to her own work ethic and determination to achieve.  

Ashely is not only a strong academic student, she is a civic-minded individual who volunteers her time within the high school and through the Farmingdale community as well. A true leader, she organized a tutoring program for our ENL population and tracked their progress. As president of the ENL tutoring program, she carefully orchestrated meetings and recruited tutors so students will feel comfortable. As treasurer of the Ambassadors’ Club, Ashley raised money for schools in Pakistan. Being president of the Art Honor Society, Ashley organized and facilitated their meetings while incorporating her art skills to create a mural to honor the survivors of the Holocaust. Ashley is always looking to bring awareness to her school and community. 

Ashley is actively involved in our science program and has participated in several clubs and competitions while participating on the Varsity Badminton team and taking classes in the Farmingdale College STEP program. She also conducted research last summer at the Feinstein Institute.
She gives her heart and soul in everything she does and is anxious to learn new and interesting things every day. Ashley’s thirst for knowledge and altruistic nature makes her a force to be reckoned with. She is an ambitious, talented, dedicated and hard-working student who is eager to help those in need.

Ashley Burbano
I used both water color paint and crayons to create a piece that portrays the overlooked mental health issues that Syrian children are currently facing. While people may see the physical affects of the Syrian Civil War, many often forget about the PTSD that also comes along with exposure to any war. These children are silently suffering, lacking the resources to quickly recover from these mental health issues, that affect their relationships, education, and daily life. 

While my paintings are not the main solution to this problem, I hope to get the conversation started. By showing people in my school, community, and country the effects of this crisis, I hope to increase the number of people concerned with this issue, resulting in an increase in the demand for mental health. facilities and treatments to be more readily available to these children.